Generated File(s)/Folder |
Quick Description |
BundleConfig Class (.cs/.vb) |
A class file that registers bundling declarations. CSS and Javascript files maybe bunddled here. |
RouteConfig Class (.cs/.vb) |
A class file that registers routes and enables Friendly URLs. |
Bundle.Config |
A configuration file that list the configured bundles for the web site. |
Dbase Class (.cs/.vb) |
A class file that contains methods connecting to the database. |
Functions Class (.cs/.vb) |
A helper class with static methods used in web forms. |
Images Folder |
A folder containing several images used by the web application. |
Scripts Folder |
A folder containing several JavaScript libraries. |
Styles Folder |
A folder containing several CSS stylesheets. |
doc Folder |
A folder containing several documents that explains the purpose of some the files in this generated web site. |
themes Folder |
A folder containing several JQuery UI themes. |
fonts Folder |
A folder with several font files. |
favico.ico |
Icon file. |
crossdomain.xml |
An XML document/policy that grants a web client—such as Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Reader, etc., permission to handle data across multiple domains. |
humans.txt |
An initiative showing who worked on the web site. |
robots.txt |
Tells search engines which files to index and the ones not to. |
Global.asax |
A class file containing global declarations. |
packages.config |
An xml configuration file that list locally downloaded nugget packages. |
Site.Master |
The web site's main master page file. |
Web.config |
Configuration file for the web application |
Default.htm |
Shows a list of generated web forms (presentation layer objects). |
GeneratedCode.htm |
Shows a list of generated business class files (middle-tier objects), data layer class files (data-tier objects), code example class files, stored procedures or ad-hoc/sql scripts, helper class files. |