Generates English code only in C# or VB.NET.
Does not support retrieval of Large Value Data Type Columns (binary data types).
Does not support new data types in MS SQL 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, or later such as Geometry, Geography, HeirachyId, etc.
Does not support binary data types (nchar, ntext, etc) in views with search functionality. If any field is a binary type, search functionality may not work.
Does not support MS SQL 2012, 2014, 2016, or later deprecated data types such as text, ntext, image, etc.
Does not generate code for database tables that has no explicit primary key definition.
Does not generate code for database tables that have primary keys and/or foreign keys only.
GridViews with fixed widths such as the GridView with Search, GridView with Inline editing, etc. does not break content. This may result in longer columns, which may cancel the fixed alignment of columns.
GridView with Search does not support searching of binary fields such as Geometry, Geography, HeirachyId, etc.
Generates HTML5 Boilerplate default template only. Generated code is not customized.
Does not generate code for mobile web site even though FriendlyURLs are supported.
Supports Microsoft SQL Databases only. MS SQL Server 2005 or later, including the SQL Express.
Sorting an XML data type field is not supported.
Sysname data types are not supported, although for most parts this will work with the generated code.
User-Defined data types are not supported, although for most parts this will work with the generated code.
Non alphanumeric characters in table names, view names, column names, etc are replaced by an underscore.
Supports case-insensitive SQL database collation only. This is the default collation for Microsoft SQL Server.